Re: Diss The Bitch Above You Cypher
In your woman's eyes I'm the Statue of David: The ideal man.
Your science's so old you think the soul resides in the pineal gland.
So it's easy to ascertain why this genius get's massive gains.
He's watching pornos, shooting hormones like he's Batman's Bane.
Didn't you see the memes? The observation is very astute.
A body builder's just a small guy wearing a suit.
So when ppl see this body, they'll see me rip his head apart.
Cuz it's just a small guy on your chest like The Rock has Kevin Hart.
And btw, stop fucking writing bars in bright turquoise.
This tortoise like superficial things like Turtle from Entourage.
You're just a basic bob, tryina pep it up like shit is K-pop.
But it's just horrible looking gang tags. That's an MS paint job.
I don't want to highlight to see bars with no highlights to see.
Meanwhile, I'm laying whitelines without a fine art degree.
There's a fine line between upping your name and defiling the streets.
I hope this toy is ashamed. He's off track like I'm bombing the train.
Re: Diss The Bitch Above You Cypher
What’s this heffer snorting?
Thinking you a killer get ya shit curbed like Edward Norton
Ya mother should’ve had you aborted, & left you a dead fetus
Instead we’ve gotta deal with this inept penis
Who thinks if he spreads diseases it’ll make him an ill bred genius
Bombing trains?! You never tagged a spot or rocked a burner
I put on a stocking CAP, ambushed ya club sha & shot the workers
Re: Diss The Bitch Above You Cypher
Haha yeah, I'm Edward Norton, but a little taller and handsome.
I'll have your whole fam in the back of a van, calling for ransom.
This cat's an abomination, his disbelief I found amazing.
I never tagged a spot? I did a wholetrain in a crowded station.
And that shit's on a DVD somewhere for your confirmation.
You weren't even baptised yet.. Yo, this cunt was pagan.
So when I'm saying I bombed the train I'll still get to heaven.
Cuz we were in the underground, reaching the reels like 7/7.
You didn't think I was hardcore, but I'm sick as a psych ward.
The only thing I didn't do is breakdance on the cardboard.
This ain't just side sport, it's The Gospel of Hip Hop.
So when I'm dropping the pick up, you can call it a stick up.
Yo fuck it... Savior's saying I'm impotent. Wtf is this indolence?
I'll give his bitch the cramps, but not from her periods.
He's really feeling himself, like he's beating his meat again.
Jordan Peterson has this incel talking shit on the interwebz.
Re: Diss The Bitch Above You Cypher
The Way You Rhyme Says "Pseudo Rapper", Dude Is Flip'n Dumb He's A Judo Master...
I'm Drakon The Brutal Crafter, It Takes Guts To Face Me I'll Deface You & Remove Those After...
You Consider Yourself A Sick Author But That's Just Not Gonna Sit Proper...
I Want Smoke With TheShaman Like The Assist Offer From A Witch Doctor...
Got A Trey For This Pussy Ass Except This Shocker Is A Clip Dropper...
Squeeze Til You Hear The Sound Of An Arm Clicking Like The Tik Tok From A Wrist Watch...
Honestly, You Should Thank Those Smaller Contesters For Giving You All Of Their Efforts...
I'm What You Call A Regressor, I Revert Back To A Weaker Form To Brawl With A Lesser...
I Play Here With The Dweebs Sometimes, You're A New Face Be Punched...
You Lay Some Raps That's Simplistic & Like RAYGUN At The Olympics...Ya Too Basic To Stunt...
You Don't Deserve A Homonym, I Only Got Those For The Strong &'em...
You're A Shaman Then? As A Demon To A Medium Who Connects To Spirits You Better Call A Jinn...
Yeah I Said Collagen With No Reference To The Term, Like Randomly Saying "College Inn"...
Now I'm Just Saying Dumb Shit That'll "Suit This Fool" Like A Harlequin...
That's Enough...
Re: Diss The Bitch Above You Cypher
That's enough... to qualify as average guff,
Your punches aren't up to par cuz the landings rough,
Golf bars? Fuck that, this self proclaimed master sucks,
You'll get clipped for that loud shit like maxing LUFS,
Your scrapbooks got punched pockets with your favourite scabs in em,
You think breaking bads shit n write Neighbours fan fiction,
You custom made a black fitted with "Frankie says relax" written so you and your mates would match in ya next laser tag mission,
You fuck your sister daily and with a maniacs rhythm,
but fail to pass jism without the visual stimulus of a baby's baptism,
You'll find him on his way to act in a porn play in accrington where all males are cast in n his fate is transition from getting his gaping ass ridden to going in to drain pipes like he became a plastician
Re: Diss The Bitch Above You Cypher
Shut Up Frodo, You're A Brit I Don't Want To Hear About Incest From You...
You Talk Too Much About Swallowing Loads Right After You Ingest A Few...
You're Not Just A Bottom Tier You're A Bottom In Sodom, You're Not A Queer?
Oh...But You Are Obsessed With A Ring You're Not Fit For, We Have A Gollum Here...
No Seriously, Dude...Keep Your Mouth Closed Your Breath Is Raunch It Haunts,
Not Only Are You A Skunk With A Rotten Mouth But You're Too Nonchalant As A Nonce Savant...
Weak & Depraved, Admit It You're A Creep In His Ways, You Keep Kids In A Cage...
You're Stupid & Flawed Like That Tooth In Your Jaw, Everyday Your Wisdom Decays...
You Do Nothing But Babble Weak Punches & Over Stretch Lines...
You Operate Daily With An "I Do Blow For Stress" & A "No Regrets" Mind...
Ya Dick Squeezer...You Look At School Kids When You Step Out For A Quick Breather...
My Stimulus Is A Baby Baptism? What Do We Calls Yours? A Brit Milah...
Stay In Virb's Shadow
Re: Diss The Bitch Above You Cypher
You a portmanteau of drake n akon bumba sniffer,
That's sausages dunked in milk a horrible fuckin mixture,
Convict papi, or champagne convict would've figured,
it's got you at the titty bar stage, stood on it punching strippers,
What were the alternatives? Dr Cube? Emidre?
50 dogg? DMGK?
Extra gay, second rate, so sub-featherweight you levitate,
But what you said was straight,
My standards clearly light, I lack the need to fight,
Calling me the worst rapper here is right,
Ex-criminal too, my past is smeared in strife, Its nothing new that I dropped-racketeerin life
Re: Diss The Bitch Above You Cypher
God witness as Chree turns Bag into a Bomb Victim.
You're phat like Barbara Stinson but I'm a hair taller like Marge to Simpson.
want to punchline spar and I'll kick ya. out of windows they all aww in envy.
I'm Bullyin him making gold bars with pen ink
Re: Diss The Bitch Above You Cypher
You said you're taller like marge yeah,
But your teeth all look like Barts hair,
Say you drop bullion bars, I'm calling it half fair,
Cuz when you're real we can see there's always a mark there,
An abnormally large pair of balls hang beneath me,
Plus my dicks massive, meaty,
Gigantic, freaky,
Tucks into my socks above my ankles neatly,
It makes bitches feel happy & glad to meet me,
Good job you don't get embarrassed easy with that sub-average measly baby carrot weenie,
It may well be useful to wank discreetly but hos assume you're still developing when you flash your teensy,
You're improving albeit slowly, I'll pat ya back,
We're battling in 1-2, I hope you smash it lad,
But grab me, get checked out, that's how I answer that,
Question whether I feel like a plastic bag
Sifting through the bins, because I'm starved again
Re: Diss The Bitch Above You Cypher
ur bitch loves to watch while im pressing in incline
why tf should i worry about this bag when im already in mine
if we get in the ring u would get surely slaughtered
ull get a black guy/eye from the right…turn mandela to herschel walker
& id say id body bag but i kno others have murdered the angle
if anything from bag went over ur head u fs deserve to be strangled
this glock getting silenced like its statements are taboo
shit the way im tote n a strap…u could say im a bag too
Re: Diss The Bitch Above You Cypher
Hey it's an organism, back in the day we called it a normal nigga.
Re: Diss The Bitch Above You Cypher
This guy's thin as a scare crow, but he thinks that he's Rambo.
So when I stick a knife in his trap, I'll skin him to Bare bones.
He's leading you down the wrong path, bro. Like an outdated sat nav.
Its apparent he's trans. So dont put your hands on this Bare trap.
I had 3 disciples change beliefs inside you like we're in the Bible.
Im just saying he was lied to. Why? Cuz Im Evil, Ryu.
So now he's sniffing hide glue. Getting higher than my IQ.
Thats why he has a bird's eyeview, despite him being 5'2".
I'll put his whole fam in cemetaries, cuz they lack the pedigrees.
Bare has Chree scratching his back.. guess thats the Bare Necessities.
Matter fact, he's catching HIV since Chree is riding Bare back.
These faggots forgot their seatbealts when I smacked them like an air bag.
If Chree put out a song, it's pride month: Youtube will have this fag flagged.
If I put out a song, it's getting shared max like it's the Nasdaq.
Without a fucking hashtag. But let's fast track cuz we're passed that.
Battle rap is a capella lol.. this guy's a class act like he's Jack Black.
Re: Diss The Bitch Above You Cypher
How was my one bar better than all you've written.
Your lines never connect It's like the chords are missing.
Even in your visions it looks like your still washing dishes
Re: Diss The Bitch Above You Cypher
shaman i been waiting on u to say something
ur the type of loser i always reviled in this hobby
ofc ur avi is ai art...ur both shitty at using styles that u copy
hell ask "what prompted this" when i punch his throat then his eye
then ask that about my verse so he can try to make it on open ai
ur bottom tier skills all need improvement
the way bare bodyin shaman we should start callin him druid
he takes this dying art too serious, he thinks god channeled him
ur time's better off spent like ur namesake religion...stop practicin
stepping into this scene is something hell actually regret
copied indigenous religion, saw rap n thought let me steal from black ppl next
its 'ree-yu' u 'ree-tard,' but what am i pressing this chump for
ur mispronouncing my ur bitch saying who she wants to fuck more
Re: Diss The Bitch Above You Cypher
You've been waiting so patiently! So now it's time to see the doctor, B.
I'm a Nobel laureate performing brain surgery through endoscopy.
That just means you're lucky. See, you practically won the lottery.
But my lawyer has three law degrees, so no apologies if I rupture spleens.
It's so cute he's been waiting on me like he's serving hors d'oeuvres.
I guess he heard of my oevre without having learned it from Murdoch.
I mispronounced your name? What a shame. You focus on the sound effects?
Yo this clown is deaf. He'll have a horn up his ass when I pronounce him dead.
This closet racist's saying I engage in cultural appropriation.
Really..? Next thing he's blaming me for adultery and fornication.
That view's more outdated than British royalty's coronation.
He still thinks there's a correlation between color and qualification.
You say battle rap's a dying art. To me that's a little bit decietful.
But I ain't really a Die Hard fan like I didn't see the sequels.
I've yet to meet my equal. But I guess I'll just let fate decide.
Things havn't really been the same ever since the legend Bender died.