Gimme more losses, I feel like only having 2 listed is poor form for the rest of my profile gimmick. And don't even think about seeing or even asking about my trouser 1-2 punch.
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Gimme more losses, I feel like only having 2 listed is poor form for the rest of my profile gimmick. And don't even think about seeing or even asking about my trouser 1-2 punch.
We get it, you want attention
And you seem to desire a firm one betwixt the 'ttocks.
Try again, but with less autism
So you're here to flaunt that you have proverbial miles of losses when I stated I want to add some on my so-called "battle record"?
You're cocky and not just because you snort cock like E.
Try again, but with less asperger’s
What exactly are you "ranked" 8th at? That rank is wayyyyyyyyyy too high to indicate of anything that requires talent, skill or merit but also wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too low if it is related to you basically inhaling wee wees with your mouth and/or butt.
An explanation is not required or requested.
You were close though
So I've been here bullying a special-needs kid?
Why the fuck didn't anyone tell me of this beforehand, I feel like a scumbag. I'm here for shits and giggles, not to giggle at someone who can both barely operate a computer keyboard while needing diapers.
You win pal, I'm out.
Keep projecting lol
Food goes in the mouth hole, not all over the floor.
Which one of you fuckers do I need to tag to get this done? I'll have @YG suck your dick if you hurry this shit up, he'd do it for the approval AND the joy of having a dick to suck so you know it's going to be enthusiastic.
0-2 lol
Fuck that, make it 0-200000000.
And someone find YG's penis shaped/flavored pacifier that is attached to the crotch region of a live human male.
You sure love talking about penis
It's a topic always on the tip of your tongue.