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Thread: directions

  1. #1
    Poetic Mind Standard Issue's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Bloomington, IN


    An evening power outage pushed us out into the rain's
    fingers which tickled our necks, sore from the day's
    slow search. I was on the hunt for a puddle, fat-full
    with muck and rainwater. Her ex-boyfriend was fresh
    from jail- boarded in a halfway house, halfway up
    my block. The smoke from my cigarette swallowed
    us, slow like a constrictor working scales around
    a meal, as we consumed each other's story on the low
    steps in front of my building. He left her without
    warning and found himself in the county's cold
    gut. A man can get ground to memory in there, she says.
    I nod, turning my face from her lighting up her own
    cigarette. She wants him back, even after the fists
    thrown into her stomach, and she is out here tonight
    looking for him in the black-out of this January
    thunderstorm. Swirling water in my tin cup, I wonder
    if she might be vulnerable enough.
    "Dying Is An Art"
    -Sylvia Plath

    Not really. Save the song
    the sickle sings, we expire the same: lights out.
    -- Ross Gay, "Dying Is An Art"

  2. #2
    Poetic Mind Standard Issue's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Bloomington, IN

    Re: directions

    Up over swagger-jackers.
    "Dying Is An Art"
    -Sylvia Plath

    Not really. Save the song
    the sickle sings, we expire the same: lights out.
    -- Ross Gay, "Dying Is An Art"

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Battle Record

    Re: directions

    I'll be honest, I thought this shit was dope -- for real man, I really did. I mean, I don't know what it is about this piece that makes it so captivating to me; I mean, seriously, I just don't know. Anyway, I thought your imagery was spot on, as too were your metaphors. Your language, as always, was top notch. You obviously have one hell of a command over it. Likewise, the both the tone and the pace of this piece was nothing short of amazing. You have a real ability at sucking the reader in with vivid imagery and smooth wording. Making the energy your poem gave off kinetic-like (for lack of a better word). Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to is say is, that I found the read to be very quick and even more entertaining. Great job! Loved this piece! Consider it Nom'd!

    Oh and...Favorite Lines:

    Her ex-boyfriend was fresh
    from jail- boarded in a halfway house, halfway up
    my block. The smoke from my cigarette swallowed
    us, slow like a constrictor working scales around
    a meal, as we consumed each other's story on the low
    steps in front of my building. He left her without
    warning and found himself in the county's cold
    gut. A man can get ground to memory in there, she says.
    I nod, turning my face from her lighting up her own
    cigarette. She wants him back, even after the fists
    thrown into her stomach
    ^Like I said, the imagery was insane and the metaphors/similies/wordplay was even doper. *Shrugs* what else can I really say?

    Stay up man!

    Last edited by LedgenZ; April 25th, 2008 at 01:43 AM

  4. #4
    Whatever, Fuck You HighEngineChief's Avatar
    Join Date
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    910 NC
    Battle Record

    Re: directions

    Your really on some def jam poetry shit with this one. From the meta's to personification to similies; you utilized alot of resources in this piece wich really made it seem rich and full of life. I loved the way you tell your story and describe the characters involved. You pick your words carefully and execute brilliant imagery. Like I said in the last piece, I want to see more in depth reads, give my some epic shit man I know you can do it; So do it! lol.
    Good shit

  5. #5
    -Camera Kisses- P. Mortuus's Avatar
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    Re: directions

    Damn sorry it took so long to get around to this but this shit was one hell of a read.Glad someone nom'd it. Also let me be the first to say glad to see you posting up P.S pieces now instead of just dropping in I.E..You should start getting a rack of Hof pieces over here with your writing abilities.Now to the piece you had meta's like this was topical piece which made for and entertaining read. Your imagery was more then dope in this piece you had enough to loan a dude some.Your overall voice of this piece spoke out you had a hell of good language here.This could be a fucking spoken word.Nothing else left to say but what ledge and HEC said this was just one fucking great piece and will soon have its spot in the Hall fame thread with some of the greats to ever do it congrats.

    Kiss me through the camera lens.

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