As i lay asleep on the shore,
what is on the other side
of the Sea?
What can it be?
Is there another world?
I want to find out.
I want to know whats on the other side
I dream that I am flying
Faster than a jet,
Faster than a boat,
I look down and see the beautiful,
crystal clear water,
shining with the reflection of the sun,
It was so bright,
that it blinded me
For a few minutes,
But I still continued my journey,
To find out what is on the other side of the sea
So, I keep on going,
I look up, and the clouds
Were gorgeous, as they resembled
The blue sea,
Maybe it was telling me something
A sign for whats over the sea
Maybe, just maybe

I keep going,
And after about 30 minutes of traveling
I start to see something,
I see land, I see me
But there is someone next to me
Who can it be?
As I move in closer, it seems like a girl
I wake up from my dream,
And there she is, lying next to me
Thinking, how is this possible?

And then I figured it out,
Over the Sea, was your future
And my future, lied right next to me

The idea came to my head and I was like eh w/e. Please critique and feedback appreciated