Original Thread - Poetry Tournament Final: DaGyrlRemarqabL vs Sand

Topic - write a dialogue between a blind man and def women (even if it was impossible what do you think would come from the conversation) It can be about absolutely anything.....

Inducted into Legends on July 25, 2003.

Quote Originally Posted by DaGyrlRemarqabL
Shared Senses

Blind Man (Groom)/ Def Woman (Bride)

Encircled with flowers, at the end of the aisle,
Stood love in all its powers, in the form of two smiles.
People seated in the pews, swooning over such a wish,
Had never before witnessed a union quite like this.
As all looked on in passion for the vows to be spoken,
even though the sweet silence would not soon be broken,
The bride takes her man's hand, palm up, then she starts,
to form with her fingers the words from her heart:

"Dearest husband, you have taken my handicap and healed it,
Found the leak from which my tears fell, and you've sealed it.
Shed light on my darkness, and to me, revealed it:
I can't hear your heart beat, but I surely can feel it.
Darling, once was a time I thought life was ill-fated,
I focused on what was lost, not what could be created.
Life was jaded, and all of my sunshine was shaded,
I desperately awaited happiness reinstated.
Deaf to sound, numb to life-I soon raised my defences,
But your love, not my loss, helped me come to my senses.
And Thank God. I've no regrets, I never find myself reminiscing-
For what I've seen in your soul makes me not miss my listening."

A translator to the right voiced the words the bride signed,
As the spectators struggled to keep their tears confined.
Such sweet words; She looked to him, her heart began to shudder,
Now it was the groom's turn, emotional, his lids' fluttered,
but he still kept them closed, and in his mind, searched for scripts,
he'd rehearsed many a time; He touched her fingers to his lips:

"Beloved Bride, I've cried, and in the tears nearly drown,
at the thought of not seeing you today in your gown,
With your sparkling eyes peering at me through that veil,
a lacey white with detail, known to me like my braille-
by touch only. But I've eased my mind knowing just this:
The clearest eye-sight could not do your beauty justice.
And everytime I mourn not being able to see your real features,
The gorgeous images I have of your soul serve as sweet cures.
and my blindness has helped me over observe other traits,
Like memorizing every single curve of your face,
with my hands; Or your laugh, the way it resounds in my ears,
and how anytime I'm lonely, that sound reappears.
You've eased my fears, My life before you was flipped up and twirled,
I went blind, But I wouldn't trade a thing for the world,
Because now, I have you, and I appreciate and adore,
all these things i see now, that I would have missed before.
Just stay with me, Love, through all of our years,
You be my eyes and I'll be your ears.
Together you and I, I know we can manage,
And no longer feel, in this world, disadvantaged."

Quote Originally Posted by Sand
witness the beauty or sit in this mutiny
i'm gifted with your presence light or life
my eyes were unopened, but it was love
at first sight, so new to me, but it hurts
it tears apart my celestial thought pattern
as you take it out of place and leave the
neat rows above my head scattered. i beg
god for the privlige to gaze against your
face, and let the contrast of my vision unveil
the beauty unmatched and great, i'm yours
take me to the end of the road and we can
hitchhike to the next obstacle, i'll be your
ears if you can be my eyes i'll listen for
deceptions as you see right through the lies
but it can't be, because at the end of the
road we die, and if we seperate i take my
personal pride for giving impossibilities a try
but i'm stuck running in an endless stride
ready to die. i want your smile i want your
tears, not laughs and cries i want to SEE!
open my eyes..please god...open my eyes

listen to the beauty or sit in this mutiny
i can see your smiles but i can't listen to
your feelings, i see sunshine held within
your expressions i can see your tears but
the saddness isn't apparent, i'm surrendered
to you, but it's terrible and saddening and
i know it's wrong but your life is too good
for me, and i almost feel like dying. we fly
together and in the clouds looks and sounds
don't matter, the air grasps our bodies together
and we are caught in that moment of bliss
that moment of this that moment that we live
together as one united in love i close my eyes
and you close your ears and together we are
floating above heaven with a gravity opposite
of normal raindrops flow through our veins
and our thoughts are golden snowflakes
our feelings are sparkling feelings that bounce
off the roof of heaven as we sit in the clouds
with a fishing pole hoping for what we can't
have...then all of a sudden god reaches up
and gives us a helping hand....

together we wake up, found inside a dream
miles above where we live happiness exaggerated
the wind blows in this place with two large arms
and he holds you against him in utter self content
i look into your eyes and you listen to my voice
we carry a normal conversation while crying the
eyes back to blindness listening to the sounds
back to deafness, heaven sent this dream must have
been, we stayed there, together love at last love
and laughs i could hear and you could see, switch
it back say i can. what we had now was a loss for
words we hugged eyes were held shut, stuck in
this dream of angels and never woke up....

we died....and yes as you can see...we went to heaven

Winner - DaGyrlRemarqabL