serpent sapient, verses razor wit', learn to savor wit', verses intricate
learning sentiment, wordless intricates, turn the tables of time with venemous
sentiment serpent, wordless quotes, turn the ocean sparkling blue from black
sharks in the view of bats, target the hue of black, blue hue's sparkle in the moonlight
embarking with the hue tides, heart of a blue tide, brew death, profuse sky's
true lies, the truth lies within' yourself, harbor the genius who Solomon learned from
burn the essence from king Midas, with his hand of wisdom, learn to listen; I pray on moonlight
save the boom shine, save the moon shine, cats and dogs reign, it's raining cats and dogs, serpent hisses
purpose wishlist, sermon of writtens, intricate webbing of sentiment and solitude
follow through with solemn dues, solemn oaths of freedom and prosperity, sought clarity
build the world, in solemn hands, I hold the mighty world in two hands, brew plans
plots and schemes, jot the beam, target swordsman, never forgot the gleam
sinister and evil plots, cease the rot, fire brews in the belly of a beast, seldom cease
welding beasts, seldom treats, our burning bright light is the well of gleam
bottomless pits of dragons and serpents turn in the belly of the storm, transform
for I have the intricate sentiment, no gleaming sight could fathom, dancing, dancing