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Thread: LLL Season XXIV Chat Thread

  1. #781
    I'll have the gabagool Fresh's Avatar
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    Re: LLL Season XXIV Chat Thread

    Wp that doesnt work. Coroner wp did work. Stop saying it's a deez nuts bar lol.its a coroner bar. Executed poorly but it worked and yours didnt

  2. #782

    Re: LLL Season XXIV Chat Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Fresh View Post
    Wp that doesnt work. Coroner wp did work. Stop saying it's a deez nuts bar lol.its a coroner bar. Executed poorly but it worked and yours didnt
    the wp works, but the bar sucks, gotta do more than wordplay. lmao

    Grab his bitch by the hair, she loving it rough...
    See ya girl at the gym, she work that coroner gut's getting deez nuts.

    he basically said, she work that core and her gut's getting deeze nuts?

    wtf that did not work. atleast mine had truth.

    truth be told ronin probably seen a corener wp and thought he hwould use it.

  3. #783

    Re: LLL Season XXIV Chat Thread

    wear face as a mask and hair in a bun lmao

  4. #784
    I'll have the gabagool Fresh's Avatar
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    Re: LLL Season XXIV Chat Thread

    Wp didnt work at all though. The coroner bar is measurably better than yours

  5. #785

    Re: LLL Season XXIV Chat Thread

    judging by line length is biased. that bar is not better as a whole, it had nothing to do with the batlte, and your fucking retarded for saying otherwise. corniest shit I ever read.

  6. #786
    I'll have the gabagool Fresh's Avatar
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    Re: LLL Season XXIV Chat Thread

    Lol smh

  7. #787

    Re: LLL Season XXIV Chat Thread

    deeze nuts works if you throw in a wp you probably seen somebody else use.

    this the type of dude to say a wp and concept is whack then use it in his next battle.

  8. #788
    I'll have the gabagool Fresh's Avatar
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    Re: LLL Season XXIV Chat Thread

    Long as lines makes bars long winded and takes away from them. Unless you're literally doing long bar. Your shit is too long for short bar and not structured for long bar.

  9. #789

    Re: LLL Season XXIV Chat Thread

    Stop being biased about line length his length was all over the place at least my structure was consistent

  10. #790

    Re: LLL Season XXIV Chat Thread

    Your circle it’s auto loss in long bar biased as fuck

  11. #791

    Re: LLL Season XXIV Chat Thread

    My cypher bars are short you should be longer for a normal battle

  12. #792
    I'll have the gabagool Fresh's Avatar
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    Re: LLL Season XXIV Chat Thread

    First off i didnt base my vote on line length.

    Secondly, it's not bias its preference.

  13. #793

    Re: LLL Season XXIV Chat Thread

    Your vote means nothing to me now cuz of ronin

  14. #794
    I'll have the gabagool Fresh's Avatar
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    Re: LLL Season XXIV Chat Thread

    Oh no my life is ruined

  15. #795
    Cold as winter. Allen Knight's Avatar
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    Re: LLL Season XXIV Chat Thread

    Quote Originally Posted by Diasick View Post
    says the 4-0 votes before you guys showed up doing favors for ronin.

    you can see I won from the first bar. like what the hell was he even saying. shit don thave anything to do with the battle.

    U delusional, dude confused n rude; insane to clash cuz what u spit is trash...
    Claim he smash like brock Lesnar, I'm Velasquez following u around kicking ur ass.

    He tries to mock me with fake shit, bragging about early drops when his style sloppy and basic.
    It makes sense, he would useless time to think of a concept, when he’ll just copy and paste it.

    look at this fucking shit, the difference is night an day.

    Grab his bitch by the hair, she loving it rough...
    See ya girl at the gym, she work that coroner gut's getting deez nuts.

    You vote for trash bars like they’re fantastic, it doesn't add up cuz the shit I’m peeping is whack.
    Heroin is a helluva drug, if your addiction is getting that bad, bitch you can sleep on your back.

    his bar doesn't even have anything to do with me. some shit he probably had saved or recycled.

    also anybody that's using those dumb ass your bitch lines can die.

    they be using your bitch bars against people that aint got a bitch lmao

    he was using those boilerplate bars that can be used against anybody smh. cookie cutter ass hoe.
    Ur so trash n dont understand a punchline, this why u never won shit an will always be wack
    one of ur votes were from a dude named mofo, like gtfo..why u still try to battle? u drop ezboard bars
    u cant even understand w/p, but he has a bar about ur girl its not about u? nah u right since
    u a 40 yr old virgin u neva had a girl..
    Name plays on me are old.
    Legion Of Legends

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