This track is on my mixtape

/lots of people needa be home wit they family/
/not out on the streets commitin felony/
/maybe we can touch them by them listenin to our melody/

/it seems to have any unity there has to be a tragedy/
/to wake up people brains from virtualiy...bring then into reality/
/yet we get told that realness is basically a show on TV/
/even tho the family isn't so fancy, the values are important u see/

/home is wit family and the love it brings/
/like listen to a young girl sing/
/not who has the most diamond rings/
/home is the values of life, not the value of things/

/bein wit love and care is better than bein alone/
/man..i juss wanna be home/


/see half our young people in iraq...wit a gat strapped on dey back...gettin shot at/

/people has to leave ther family or newly wed wives/
/but everybody has multiple ways to lead they lives/
/investin in education...or killin wit knives/

/but how they do it is how the home is/
/u can't always blame them when kids are bein brought up by kids/

/kids tyna be smokin weed...failin is that cool?/

/the smokin...the tokin...mayn it don't juss pop outta nowhere/
/home had to be some influence...somewhere.../

/but when the home values...implement in the mind/
/then the lil soldier becomes that diamond in the mine/

/like makin business deals on the phone/
/man that started all at home/

/chorus to end/

(the chorus is built in the beat)

plz uppin for feed