Awakened mind follows a golden path to destiny
Ordinary man faced with an extraordinary situation
A growing power from within
Enables a rise above the levels of mortal limits
His stained glass eyes,
A reflection of fiery black pearls.
The window to his stormy soul
That reflects the golden gate to glory
The dark night sky fills with the illumination of a full moon
Now eclipsed by fiery peril
As torched arrows fill the night sky
Scorned upon by enemy flanks
The sky is falling
Midnight turns to hellish red
As the sky falls in clumps of fire
Our hero searches for the fire within
And his blazing aura explodes
Defining his essence in its most purest form
Such a fire is not easily extinguished
But keeps aflame eternally
A light that vanquishes all shadows
And burns hotter and brighter than the millions of torched arrows overhead
And with every passing second
Soar closer to their final destination.

A scarred prince roams the battlefield
Ensemble boasting of decorated armor
With sheathed sword hungry for blood
Leads him on a compelling quest along the glory road
Where few have traveled and even fewer have succeeded
Desolate souls lie along the golden path
Lost in a world of wonder and regret
Never to taste the sweet ambrosia from the tree of life
Waiting at the finish line
As his stained glass eyes acutely pierce the red night sky,
He addresses his legion of men,”
Some of you believe that the sky is falling above us
But your eyes deceive you.
My eyes see nothing but the heavens
And soon my soul will rise above, and I will be with the gods.
This night will make me one with the stars
I tell you this, fate is clear for every man
For the only certainty of life is certain death,
The sky falls in fiery arrows tonight
Ranks of dead men walking
But better to lose life and win!
Than to live with honor lost.
Let those arrows pierce your breast
Let the sword cut your skin
Die with honor beside your king
and let no fear enter your hearts
For when the sky falls to the earth
Your brave souls will rise above the heavens.
If your resolve is strong ,
Then unleash the strength sealed away at your hearts.
Display your will for it is the power from within
That will shield you from death.”

The falling sky has turned the ground into a fiery pit
The men’s blood paints the grass red.
Though his body is bloody and bruised
Bravely he fought in battle
He has established his right to immortality
In the hearts and minds of mortal men
His death around the corner
He awaits glory, not far behind
He fears not of death,
for it is fated to all man kind
But glory, though often sought, is seldom won
The ominous aura clings to his shadow
He does not have much time
Only but half a moment
But he does not cling to the mortal life,
For lust of life will lead a man to doom
In the road to glory.
His heart beats slow, his eye lids heavy
His blood pumping, exposed to the midnight air
Overwhelming, now, is his spiritual presence
No longer will dirt tread his feet,
but sands of gold will light his way.
A hero of heroes
Although many obstacles stood in his way
Although he had to fight his own soul and tame it
The cunning man's strengths will conquer everlasting immortality
No man can break the bricks that his greatness lay
His road will be passed down for generations
Men will tell tales of his greatness
His superiority will shine brightly amongst mortal men
And he will live forever at the finish line of glory road.