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Thread: Poet's Corner Magazine: The Revival

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
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    Awards PS Champion/IE Champion Haiku Champion OM HOF PC HOF SOTW

    Poet's Corner Magazine: The Revival


    Welcome everyone, to the first PC Mag in months, maybe even years,
    I don't know. A lot of people don't pay attention to this section of the
    site and that's really a shame. We have some incredibly talented writers
    that hang around and post some great shit every now and then.
    And with the return of Picture Perfect activity is at an all time high
    in Poet's Corner. Last month I took away the link rule and the result
    was some great quality work from many poets. This magazine will contain
    interviews, spotlight section, a slept on section to highlight a few pieces
    that just missed the mark with getting fed. Honorable mentions; those
    that got nominated but didn't get inducted into the Hall of Fame.
    Special thanks to Emily and those that participated in the interviews.

    As many of you noticed, the 2 link rule was revoked for the month of
    October. This allowed writers to be uninhibited by rules and really let
    their creativity do the work for them. I'm happy to say that this is one
    of the most active months I've seen in Poet's Corner in a long time, and
    I'm hoping it continues. For the month of November, the link rule is
    back in effect; but with a slight change. There is only 1 link required
    now. Picture Perfect will continue for as long as there is interest in it.
    Emily and I want to thank all of you for dropping such great quality poems.
    I've yet to read one that wasn't up to standards, some really great work
    this month. Also want to point out that all of the hall of fame nominations
    are greatly appreciated, and you will see later down in the mag which pieces
    were inducted. The Picture Perfect winner for October will also be announced
    later on. Many thanks to all that continue to make Poet's Corner active.
    If any of you have any suggestions on what Emily and I can continue to do
    or start doing in efforts to keep this section afloat, post them below or
    send them to me via PM.

    Mic S

    Thank you mic s for the interview.
    Not a problem,

    How long have you been writing?
    Since as long as I can remember. I think I started in middle school tbh.

    What genre/theme is your favourite when you write?
    I like to write about things that strike emotion or are thought provoking,
    I don't really have a favorite though - I just love to write, whether im trying or not,
    it doesn't change my love for it.

    What is it about writing that you enjoy?
    It just gets my mind off of things for a little bit going on in the real world -
    every human has problems, but this is how I forget about mine for a few minutes per day.

    What advantages does a place like RB have for writers?
    I'm really not sure, every writer is different - it is a place to share your work and get familiar
    with other writers - I would encourage more writers to feed each others work and post more
    though / with that being said I wouldn't discourage people using RB for any reason.

    If you're anything like me, words and sentences pop into your head
    at the most inconvenient times. Does this happen to you and if so, do you write
    them down or lose those thoughts a lot of the time?

    Yes, I write them down -whether at work / home / out & about / -- but i also lose
    plenty of thoughts because sometimes i dont have the means to write it down.

    What do you find challenging when you write?
    Nothing really - the most challenging part is watching people not understand what is wrote &
    then post something negative - like their style is the only one. (i can be guilty of this every
    once in a while instead of judging, it (any work i judge), for what it is)

    How long does it take you to write, let's say, an OM piece?
    anywhere from a half hour to a week. (Although I haven't wrote a OM in a while)

    How does a poem for pc differ in the writing process?
    I just like poetry - i feel everything i write is a form of poetry, but I try to
    be more to the point in a poem.

    What sort of writing do you like to read?
    Dark & Twisted writings or something really creative where the
    imagination is nothing like reality

    How about some writing 'strengths' and 'weaknesses'?
    Strengths (Vocabulary & lots of life experiences) - Weaknesses (Completing
    my thoughts the way i want & rushing my writing)

    Do you have a special time to write or can you sit anywhere at any time and write?
    Anywhere anytime really --- if by myself i can concentrate more but when around crowds of
    people i gather more thoughts I can't think of contained to my own - so really when i get an
    idea i try to remember it or jot it & i throw it with all my other writing notes. I may not use a
    particular thought for months.

    Do you write on a pc or longhand?

    Do you work to a plot or do you prefer to just wing it and see where an idea takes you?
    I prefer to work to a plot - I do have to say winging it is a lot harder... with a plot i can throw
    random thoughts and make it seem like im going no where with what im writing which makes it
    easier for a more creative twist-

    How do you think you've evolved creatively?
    Over the years going through new experiences have put me in certain situations to incorporate
    in my writing. Learning patterns and words.
    Any tips for getting through writers block?
    Take a break. consistently though. a day here - a day there - a week here - a week there -
    but never stop focusing on ideas.

    Which writer (of song or book, dead or alive) would you like to meet and why?
    Jack London because he did it all. I mean from novels to poetry from plays to short stories etc.
    I wanted to see how he cleared his mind to write so much.

    If you could have been the original author of any song, which one would it
    Tim McGraw - My Little Girl ------- just a bad ass song -
    so much truth and feeling behind it, so i can relate.

    What advice would you give to aspiring writers?
    Write what you feel / going through - no matter if people say its played -
    if its not played to you / if you never personally wrote it - that shouldn't matter - just write what YOU feel

    Thank you so much for taking the time for this interview, mic s.
    I appreciate it.

    Any last thoughts?
    Why is everybody sleeping on each other???


    Thank you 'phX for the interview.
    You're welcome, thank you for giving me the time!

    How long have you been writing?
    Actively, a little over se7en years now.

    What genre/theme is your favourite when you write?

    I like writing fantasy style pieces, because when you do those you're in your own
    world, you can craft anything, go any way you want, you can even - at times -
    make it personal and very heartfelt with an abstract twist to it all.

    What is it about writing that you enjoy?
    The fact that we're limitless with our imagination, we are a truly limitless
    creative power in our own way.

    What advantages does a place like RB have for writers?
    From what I've seen, the best writers tend to be the least spoken but most
    direct with you in terms of feedback... A lot of these people on here don't like
    pussyfooting around your flaws, if you're fucking bad you should be told you are
    and a lot of y'all make it apparent for newcomers.. People always get those things
    mixed up, they think telling you that you're 'bad' or 'stupid' for some errors is to
    stunt your growth as a writer when all it is, is helping you grow as a writer with
    constructive criticism.... That's how it needs to be, and RB is pretty good at that
    from what I've seen. OG Maestro straight up said my shits booty on one piece
    then praised my other haha... that's honesty. And thats good.

    If you're anything like me, words and sentences pop into your head
    at the most inconvenient times. Does this happen to you and if so, do you write
    them down or lose those thoughts a lot of the time?

    YES!!! All the time, every day, wherever I go.... It gets really annoying tho
    sometimes when you get something really dope in your head, so good that
    you're like 'wheres a pen and paper omg' and you forget it because of something
    happening... I hate that. After that happened to me so many times, I bought a
    little electronic notepad, a fancy one with a stylus. It's my only old man item
    I have... Works great tho lolol so to answer your question, it's both. I still cant
    help sometimes losing a few thoughts due to real life happenings.

    What do you find challenging when you write?
    Putting the reader in your shoes, looking through your eyes when you write,
    painting the world.: That is the hardest thing I've come across as a writer,
    on rare occasions I am able to craft something in a way where people see it
    unfolding before them, in their mind, and that's a goal I think most writers wish
    to reach... I'm still struggling to do that in most writtens, but when it really
    matters and I'm on level, I can confidently pull it off (I think)..

    How long does it take you to write, let's say, an OM piece?
    After reading a lot of my work, you'll see that some are given time and precious
    thought and some are rushed and just pushed out in 15 minutes.... If it matters,
    It takes me roughly 2-3 hours to get an acceptable verse I'd use in a battle or
    league battle, regular OM's to keep the rust off or a nice collabo 15-45 minutes
    depending on the topic etc.

    How does a poem for pc differ in the writing process?
    PC writers focus more on the prose side to things, the beauty and vanity of
    metaphors and colorful imagery.... OM cats have their free-write styles and
    you never know what to expect there, but the biggest difference lies in the
    topic preference... OM always has different things being written about and
    PC always has their hearts in hand about life, etc.

    What sort of writing do you like to read?
    When I'm skimming through posts, I really enjoy pieces that have a beautiful topic,
    creative language and colorful world to them... really unique pieces with their own
    music to them... something that gives me a look into a new, alien planet, I rarely
    see those anymore. I miss them to be honest. Hypothesis and Jukon are the only two
    on here I know can craft that though.

    How about some writing 'strengths' and 'weaknesses'?
    Consistency. Colorful Descriptions. Metaphors. Those are three main strengths for me,
    I need those, as I feel most writers need, to get good with writing... Rhyme comes
    to us like secondhand nature, so you cant stress about that... Weaknesses as a writer
    would be, being unable to grow as a writer.... not being able to take constructive criticism,
    never changing styles, never challenging yourself..... never opening your mind to bigger
    things... never living up to your potential... I started out doing shitty writtens, thought I'd
    always be a text head, nope.. I went on to do spoken word poetry, still do it, frequently to
    be exact... and I rap, I rap really fucking good... I also dabble in community events around
    my area and speak for troubled youth, etc.. All because I knew what I learned could help
    others and change some things. I still do all of that, but mostly write nowadays and some
    spoken word events nearby... BTW SPOKEN WORD WRITING IS SO FUCKING HARD. Anyways,
    what I really mean is... The only real strength and weakness as a writer is yourself if you think
    about it.

    Do you have a special time to write or can you sit anywhere at any time and write?
    I only write when I am in my zone haha... I can't write if people are swarming around me, babbling on
    about nonsense .... uhg annoys me just thinking about it.. I can only write alone, listening to music...
    I guess thats why a lot of people call me an old man. lol

    Do you write on a pc or longhand?
    Both! PC is way faster for me though... world at my fingertips
    and music to accompany my creativity... goes hand in hand for me.

    Do you work to a plot or do you prefer to just wing it and see where an idea takes you?
    When I do collabs I work to a plot with others, because collabs work out the
    best like that... I mostly wing every topical(OM) piece I've ever written though,
    most of the stuff comes to me, a lot of the time music helps aid the process of
    writing because of the emotion I feel when writing to a certain topic matches with
    the sounds and floods my head with so many feelings, thoughts, hypotheticals,
    etc... so much stuff.. and it really makes it a ton easier for me.

    How do you think you've evolved creatively?
    [I]Went from Mal to Cody Phoenix... haha, anybody who knows me will say
    'holy fuck' to that, because I was a scummy shitlord back when I first started,
    I was the worst troll, worst person... truly toxic in general. But...After years of
    constant feedback, time in my head, I learned to respect myself and my tongue
    too, because you can't take back what you've said to people... but what you can
    change is who you are in those moments when you're mad.. And through writing,
    I really learned how to battle those demons, growing up I have always had anger
    issues and being a broad 6ft something guy that doesn't really sit too well...
    Writing helped me by showing me ways to vent rather than freaking out, and to
    finalize my 'metamorphosis' ... I recently had a son 6 months ago with my fiance
    and that mellowed me out even more.

    Any tips for getting through writers block?
    Sounds corny but I do this all the time and love it, it's better than writing
    sometimes.. Just sit down somewhere you like to relax, put on some amazing
    instrumental music... like anything from Yann Tiersen..David Nevue...Dax Johnson...
    Emancipator...DJ Okawari...Nujabes (Jun Seba RIP)... Anything that is thought provoking
    for you, really, and let that tend to your garden (your mind) and you'll see many things
    grow, what you harvest is up to you..

    Which writer (of song or book, dead or alive) would you like to meet and why?
    This is a good question, Emily, but if I had the choice to meet any writer, ever?
    Hemingway by a long shot. I'd try my hardest to have a conversation with him haha...
    he's a genius to me.. I think if I could just see someone like that, of that nature perse,
    I'd really learn a lot more than what meets the eye. And as for music, I'd like to meet
    Atmosphere or RA The Rugged Man, just to talk to them about music and how they
    pushed themselves to where they are now.

    What advice would you give to aspiring writers?
    Just be yourselves when you write and study the writers who are better
    than you, accept they're better and emulate ( in your own way(s) ) that
    style... keep studying, learning and you'll eventually find your own style and
    way of writing. Teach people, don't write just for yourself.

    Thank you so much for taking the time for this interview, 'phX.
    I appreciate it.

    Any last thoughts?
    If you read my interview with Emily, thank you. I'd like to see more voters and competitors in the Haiku league
    and Sacred Scriptures league... so please sign up and teach people like me a fucking lesson...


    Thank you Idealizt for the interview.
    How long have you been writing?

    I have been writing for over 15 years. My first couple of years as a preteen, I wrote solely short
    stories and did not care to dabble into the nuances of poetry of any other writing. At that time, It
    wasn't until a few years later that I picked up some random contemporary book full of poetry in my
    home and started flipping through pages, amazed at the way these writers were crafting words so
    elegantly a la a fine piece of art. I mean, writing itself is clearly an art - not many motherfuckers
    can grasp the difference between "to" and "too" and "were" and "where" (hi Dia). Then I finally read
    the famous poem of Frost, "The Road Not Taken" and it changed my life. I think many writers use this
    poem as a cop-out hipster way of saying, "I'm different," but Frost's words truly resonated with me on
    that faithful day. Not only did I have an emotional, intellectual, and overall psychological binding to his
    very words, it really explored an area of my mind's thinking I had never dared to explore before. Thus
    I embarked on a journey of writing my own poetry - a lot of it bad. I finally found my groove when I wrote
    a love poem to a girl I had been crushing on for years. I was sure I was going to be ridiculed, rejected,
    and outright lambasted as a fool, but much to everyone's chagrin, it worked and she loved it. That was
    when I knew I was born to be a writer.

    What genre/theme is your favourite when you write?
    I don't like classifying my writing under a genre. More so because I don't know what genre of writing
    it would fall under. Such an identity crisis is something I've become quite accustomed, however, and
    I simply don't care how I or my writing is classified. I have seen others classify my writing as poetry,
    topical, and a shortbar topical/poetry hybrid; I imagine I fall into there somewhere. As for my favorite
    theme, since I differentiate between it and genre, I would say writing straight from the heart. I suffer
    from bipolar depression a lot and have had the worst two years of my life thus far. I have lost a lot.
    My writing is usually just that channeled despair, angst, hatred, and nihilism into words on paper in
    order to produce something creative and constructive.

    What is it about writing that you enjoy?
    Getting into the rhythm of writing. Starting the first few lines can be somewhat difficult some times,
    but since I am one who concentrates on rhyme scheme and multis, I usually find that once I get those
    first few lines down, I can keep going. I just like the rhythm and flow of my words as I spit them out loud.

    What advantages does a place like RB have for writers?
    I'm not an RB loyalist by any means, but what I will see for rap forums in the same vain as RB,
    particularly RR (let's gooo), they are a community that allows a multifaceted group of individuals
    to come together and express themselves. A lot of people are coming to these forums for selfish
    reasons: looking for views, hits, feel-good pats on the back. On the other hand, a lot of people
    are coming here to foster a community livelihood where they can express themselves freely,
    perhaps because with their offline obligations they are not allowed to nor have the resources to
    or any number of reasons. In short, onlne forums give serious writers a chance to communicate,
    collaborate, and help each other elevate. That is what I love most of all about these forums, I don't
    love all of the shit heads, but there are gems on every site and once I find them, I always do my best
    to stay in contact with them.

    If you're anything like me, words and sentences pop into your head at the most inconvenient times.
    Does this happen to you and if so, do you write them down or lose those thoughts a lot of the time?

    lol, yes. I am ADHD like a motherfucker. I have so many one-liners or pairs of multis written
    down everywhere just waiting to be incorporated into something more polished. The worst part
    is being in the shower: no bullshit, I will jump out the shower, run to my room or the nearest pen
    and paper, and write some shit down before I lose it. I have actually lost a lot of really good lines
    due to this. However, I pride myself on being a good writer who is only getting better and do not
    fret too much because sometimes the words find their way back to me and on the other hand, I
    am capable of creating something better anyhow. These lines from Sadistik's "Petrichor" have
    always resonated strongly with me, as I'm they would with you:

    "I'm fiending for an out that can set me free from writer's block
    I keep forgetting to remember everything that I forgot"

    What do you find challenging when you write?
    Initiation. I need motivation to begin just crafting words, even if it's just, "Hey, keystyle some
    sick rhyme scheme shit with some cool vocabulary words." Also, story telling. I get a lot of feedback
    these days telling me I am focusing too much on scheme and not enough on the story. I feel like if
    I can get over that hump, perhaps with the right mentor, I'd be nearly unstoppable when it comes to
    writtens. At the moment, I actually do tell stories, but they're over everyone's heads because the stories
    are personalized to me about me. In other words, in every word I write, I am telling my own story, a
    sort of autobiography in a way. This stylistic nature of mine will never change, but I perhaps need to
    learn how to flesh out the story so that others can relate as well. Sadistik does this amazingly well and
    he's one of my biggest inspirations. Once I finally understand and develop a pattern in the vain as his
    that is unique to me, I think I will have elevated greatly.

    How long does it take you to write, let's say, an OM piece?
    Great question. Don't have a good answer. Depends on my level of motivation. I work better -
    read as am more motivated - when I am collaborating with others, especially like-minded writers
    who share a similar vision as mine. If I'm writing by myself, I kind of find it boring and just think,
    "What's the point? I want to share this with somebody, not just do the old routine of 'write, post,
    glorification/critique, yay!'" If I wanted to go off in keystyle mode like I normally do, I could key
    16 lines with a dope ass scheme and nice vocabulary within 30 minutes if I wagered a guess.
    Probably less than that; never really timed myself because I'm ADHD as fuck, so I start and stop
    projects all of the time, constantly going back and forth.

    How does a poem for pc differ in the writing process?
    Leading back to an earlier answer I gave about my "genre," there isn't a difference for me.
    I write the same either way. I know some people do not like rhymes in their poetry
    (even though rhyming is at the heart of poetry) and are riding the dick of today's new aged
    poetical structure. Don't get me wrong, I like all sorts of poetry, so I don't hate non-rhyming poems -
    there are those who do it much better than myself (such as you) and I do it occasionally myself.
    I just know that for me, I love to rhyme words, especially multisyllables, that are hard to rhyme.
    I suppose this may be my problem if I cared to fit into the paradigm of things, the division between
    topical and poetry. Poetry is typically more about metered prose it seems like where the focus is on
    the emotion evoked from the reader whereas topicals are more about telling a story. I don't believe
    in that differentiation and I personally blur the line every chance I get without trying to be honest.

    What sort of writing do you like to read?
    Poe, H.P. Lovecraft, Emily, and other writings here and there. Not particular to a specific
    subject, but I do stick with what I know is good; not afraid to venture out to read others, though.

    How about some writing 'strengths' and 'weaknesses'?
    - audience relation. I need to learn how to get the reader inside of my head so they understand
    what I am telling them.
    - story telling. Just not much of a story teller this day and age because I like to write about how
    I am feeling and what I see in the world.
    - collaborators/mentors. Just don't have enough writers to my liking that I communicate with on a
    regular basis to further push my motivation.
    - self-doubt. When no one else really cares about or believes in you, why should you?
    There's no real point.
    - I'm there are others, but can't think of them at the moment.

    - observational skills. I see and sense things that people believe is only possible in Harry Potter novels.
    - emotional. At least to me, I feel like I can usually evoke emotional responses from people with my words.
    - decent writer. Sometimes, I write some epic ass lines that just make me go, "Gotdamn,
    I just thought of that?" Could definitely be a lot better though.

    Do you have a special time to write or can you sit anywhere at any time and write?
    Silence is a necessity, so usually night, but time of day is irrelevant. Just depends on when I feel inspired.

    Do you write on a pc or longhand?
    Both. If I'm out and about, it's pen and pad. If at home, PC.

    Do you work to a plot or do you prefer to just wing it and see where an idea takes you?
    Been touching on this question all throughout the interview. By now, we know I have the more
    of a "wing it" style but I would very much like to change that. I don't really want to blame anything
    for this, but I feel like my ADHD really debilitates me in crafting out plots and working towards them.
    I'm an impulsive person, so when I feel inspired and motivated, I just have to go for it. I think this is
    why I prefer freestyling so much.

    How do you think you've evolved creatively?
    I don't know if I have evolved at all to be honest. I just survive day by day and try to
    put my best foot forward always.

    Any tips for getting through writers block?
    Listen to your favorite tracks. If there's a certain mood you're looking to capture, listen to tracks
    with that mood. I'm a melancholic individual, so I listen to a lot of Sadistik. Every time I listen to him,
    I hear him say something that I have already heard him say several times before, but a lot of times it
    pushes a new image into my head or a new line to feed off of what he said.

    Which writer (of song or book, dead or alive) would you like to meet and why?
    Poe, Eyedea, Sadistik, and Aesop Rock. Poe is one the greatest writers, that's undeniable. I love his
    works so much. You can read them over and over. And the amount of literary elements he would include
    in a story were crazy - you wouldn't even catch them all at first until you looked on the Internet or reread his
    stories. Not to mention he was a poet with some awesome poetry. Eyedea and Sadistik are two of the greatest
    writers the rap game has ever scene, if not the top two. R.Eye.P. Michael Larsen. The two were friends, so
    that speaks a lot; they would hang together, write together, freestyle together, etc. They essentially molded
    each other. Eyedea and Sadistik are poets in the same vain as Poe. Not to mention that all three were/are
    unimaginably smart. Every word they have ever written or spake makes complete sense in my mind.
    I understand them without ever having met them. That's pretty radical. And Aesop Rock is just a monster.
    He's the flipside of the coin. Whereas the prior three were more melancholic, Aes Rock comes through with
    that supersonic energy induced zany off the wall rap - and he's unfuckwithable when it comes to it.
    He's another huge inspiration in my writing to just say whatever the fuck I want without really giving a
    fuck what everyone has to say - someone, somewhere is going to like, so fuck that motherfucker whose
    IQ 72 and comprehend the diction.

    If you could have been the original author of any song, which one would it be?
    My own.

    What advice would you give to aspiring writers?
    Um, wow, this is a huge question. Simplest and realest answer: just be you and fuck the world.

    Thank you so much for taking the time for this interview, idealizt.
    I appreciate it.

    Any last thoughts?

    Thank you so much, Emily, for giving me a spotlighted platform to say my piece despite me being a
    newcomer to RB. I really like what yourself and Jukon are doing with the PC section. Sucks I have to
    take a leave of absence for a bit, but I can't wait to be back. Thanks again

    Last edited by Jukon; November 9th, 2015 at 04:12 PM

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Battle Record
    Awards PS Champion/IE Champion Haiku Champion OM HOF PC HOF SOTW

    Re: PC Mag Work in Progress - PLEASE NO POSTING

    Speed limit signs full of bullet holes
    Written by: Mantra & Spoke(n)

    I don't want to leave you to rear-views

    my chest is 454
    for hair in your eyes at 65
    you crack smiles like
    river beds in the summer

    and somewhere in the desert
    the stars are up
    and pedals are down headed east
    to get a rise from a sun dress north of knees

    she sees what I'm driving at

    all thumbs and no maps
    anywhere but back the way we came from
    we've traveled too far into this turn-for-the-worse
    to lift from the wreckage and call for innocence
    or a taxi

    it's an accident waiting to happen, you and I blue as sky
    and eventually we'll turn black
    with our broken headlights, our mouths like ditches
    to fall asleep in

    nothing but another round-about with no way out
    let's cut the ties like slashed tires
    and let out violent breaths, to cascade

    across an empty back road and lose control
    of a reinvented wheel

    until we're a new open wound ready to heal
    our head(s) on collision
    and cold shoulders filled with the parts
    driven to never make destinations

    we've been reduced to no-rest stop patrons

    on hot vinyl in empty diners, hearts starved like last legs
    running on the fumes of break shoes

    motors killed left to play in the traffic
    of scenic routes turned skid marks
    trying to back track past having ever
    tread on each other

    wishing after every right turn there was something left;
    a better life than one of scrap-parts and false starts,
    an Oldsmobile laid to rest in a back-country
    junkyard ‘cause there was no place
    to drive home to

    from gas stations to cheap motels,
    cold words and rental cars

    when we couldn’t follow directions with fog lights
    shorter than foresight & called it quits at
    crossroads of uncertainty and us


    I don’t want to leave you in the dust

    your hair like five am ruin
    chest an aching engine’s purr
    breaking down on the side of the road less traveled

    This section will highlight the poems that were overlooked and
    simply slept on. Click titles to read.

    Laura - 'phx
    Freelancer - Storyteller
    The Fiend - Conceptual
    Savannah - Easy.


    This will highlight standout writers of the month and a quick synopsis of their styles.

    An emotional writer, someone who really digs deep in themselves and lets the concept
    come to them rather than forcing it out. He has an interesting style and really meshes
    in well with the other poets that post regularly. Another strong point of Phx's style is his
    usage of imagery. He's able to easily paint a picture without sacrificing word placement
    or overall diction of his writing. I'm hoping to see him post more often and show the
    other poets what progression looks like.

    Mic S
    An abrupt writer, never leading reader's on or beating around the bush. He sets his
    tone early on and doesn't waiver from that. He's been very consistent lately and his
    progress is easily seen. Hoping to see more from him in the future.

    A writer who really hones in on rhyming and delivers great rhythm based poetry pieces.
    Imagery is another strong suit for him, able to paint a picture without the rhyming over-shining
    the overall message. He's able to keep his tone that he sets in the first line throughout the
    entire piece. Very impressive writer.

    Mr. Vocabulary himself. He doesn't post often, but the few pieces he posted this month were
    easily above par and one even got a hall of fame nomination. It seems that writing and his
    extensive vocabulary go hand in hand, even when he dumbs it down a bit, he still delivers
    the strong message that he's trying to convey.

    Although he's ghost now, Story has always been a consistent and strong writer. A veteran to
    the site, with enough experience to put most of the new comers to shame. Emotion and imagery
    driven, and extremely overlooked. He slides under the radar most of the time, and I'm not really
    sure why or how. He drops very intelligible pieces laced with many layers but still showing
    the message quite easily.

    Other writers to look out for
    Fatt Sajak

    (Fatt would have been on the standout poet's list,
    however he only dropped 1 poem in the month of October.)

    I Versus Me
    Written by: Idealizt
    Spotlight written by: Emily

    "Honestly, nobody honors me;
    nobody understands nobody's fond of me.
    They paint a mockery of what I ought to be,
    docking the ocean's autobiography
    . . . when it's a pond they sea.
    Hollow dreams skip scenes of life's slipstream
    amidst seams buried beneath Gacy's aching floor beams.
    Faith hopelessly glistening for anyone witnessing
    the wordsmith whose words ripped Hurt's/Hertz ribs
    frequently to preserve everything that is perfect.

    Honestly, honesty's the worst policy:
    A hollow creed bearing possession - an apostrophe.
    Pieces of peace are far gone and deceased.
    Removing the leash to relinquish the freak
    beckons morning glory of gory mourning
    storming the moral of the story before me.
    None can prepare for repressive despair.
    Poltergeists convene in dungeon and lair,
    possessing depressed priests without blessings to spare,
    tormented from reckless repair of forcing the fare to be fair.

    I versus me: my own worst enemy
    pretending to defend the writing friend inside of me.
    Befriending fiending demons sleeping right to the side of me,
    left with deceiving insight of thee, blindly receiving a fright to see.

    Needlessly, I say this:
    I cannot sleep when my mind becomes brainless,
    rupturing from promiscuous paces
    of baseless races tainted by faceless racists.
    Solo participant, yet still somehow in last place - shit!
    Somehow being Heaven sent has me graced with
    maintaining a faith in faithless angel faces
    worshipping the master's aides, conjuring bastard plagues.
    Fuck this masquerade - shaving off the mask today."

    We had some amazing art this month. Some new writers brought some great pieces
    full of imagery and wonderful wording. Everyone has a different idea of what poetry is.
    PC prefers a piece that isn't easily dropped in OM. Generally pieces that aren't 'hell bent'
    on rhyme, but, just like you can't help who you love, you can't help what you love, and I
    love this piece. It drew me in from the first couple of lines. I think it's the brutal honesty,
    that vulnerable nature I'm drawn to. Nothing like a poet spilling his guts. Nothing like
    feeling understood when a stranger writes something for himself and you connect to it.
    It's an amazing feeling. For me, if you add great descriptions, paving the way to light up
    stunning imagery, lace it with clever words, give it tone that breaths, and a smooth ass flow,
    I'm gonna love it. Of course there are heaps of techniques that I could go on about, but this
    isn't an English lesson, and if it were, I wouldn't be the one to give it. Scarlet Letter or a
    Badge of Honor is also another good example of idealizt's work. Different in its style,
    showing diversity as a writer with a spectrum of concepts that seem to fall like water
    off a ducks back. Smooth delivery and sound story telling. I'm very impressed by this writer.
    I'm looking forward to him coming back from his holiday so he can show us what else he's got.
    So here's a little shine for someone who might not know how much his work touches others.
    Looking forward to reading more.

    "... I versus me: my own worst enemy
    pretending to defend the writing friend inside of me..."

    weary world, cascading deprived of confidence
    omnipresent populous
    solitude; desolate, displaced and void
    waves roll upon ears, dead with in words
    listening, not to be seen but eyes are open
    thought provoking
    vision is but a verb, indifference valued
    sound resonates yet is quick to be forgotten
    separated in coffins
    the weight of harmony is carried on shoulders
    boulders stuck between a rock and a hard place
    forever forgotten, only to be heard again.

    Let it Change

    Fatt Sajak

    *Honorable Mentions
    Conceptual - Let it Rain
    Emily - To be with you
    143 - I am Picasso
    Idealizt -I versus Me

    Thanks everyone, I appreciate the activity you guys have put forth into keeping
    Poet's Corner active.
    Last edited by Jukon; November 13th, 2015 at 12:19 AM

  3. #3
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    Re: Poet's Corner Magazine: The Revival

    Mag posted @Emily

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    the theory of cause and effect is flawed,
    we expect the outcome to mirror the struggle, that's wrong.

  4. #4
    Landed Emily's Avatar
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    Re: Poet's Corner Magazine: The Revival

    Nice one Juke.
    Looking good.
    Thanks for all you've done with the mag and pc.
    : )

  5. #5
    wyrdsmyth Karaoshi's Avatar
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    Re: Poet's Corner Magazine: The Revival

    Hella work put in here, great mag guys. Makes me wanna write again.

  6. #6

    Re: Poet's Corner Magazine: The Revival

    Good job peeps.

    Would love to participate for the next one let mw know @Jukon @ emily

  7. #7

    Re: Poet's Corner Magazine: The Revival


  8. #8
    Landed Emily's Avatar
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    Re: Poet's Corner Magazine: The Revival

    Quote Originally Posted by Fatt Sajak View Post
    Good job peeps.

    Would love to participate for the next one let mw know @Jukon @ emily
    sounds good
    thanks Fatt

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Soul_Purpose View Post
    Hella work put in here, great mag guys. Makes me wanna write again.
    do it Soul. it's been a while.
    haven't read a piece of yours in ages.

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    -Camera Kisses- P. Mortuus's Avatar
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    Re: Poet's Corner Magazine: The Revival

    This was great, nice work all those involved. Hearkens back to the time of ps and pc being busy as hell.
    Kiss me through the camera lens.

  10. #10

    Re: Poet's Corner Magazine: The Revival

    ya'll made a mag with no mention of me?

    what the fuck...
    Last edited by Emily; January 15th, 2016 at 12:14 AM
    i don't make dance music.

  11. #11
    Landed Emily's Avatar
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    Re: Poet's Corner Magazine: The Revival

    Quote Originally Posted by Zen the Dude View Post
    ya'll made a mag with no mention of me?

    what the fuck...
    Gotta be in it, to win it.
    Just like the lotto. I always bitch about not winning,
    but hardly ever get a ticket.

    Drop a piece, it's been a while.
    Come back ZEN!!!!!!

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  12. #12

    Re: Poet's Corner Magazine: The Revival

    I was away when this went up and forgot to drop a comment once I came back, so here we go. At least wanted to say great work on this all around. The effort put forth to shed light on different writers here is really awesome to see. I want to especially thank Emily for her inspiring words of praise and Jukon (and anyone else that may have been involved) for all consideration and their effort in crafting this.

  13. #13
    Landed Emily's Avatar
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    Re: Poet's Corner Magazine: The Revival

    @idealizt , damn that was nice.
    Thank you.
    And thanks for playing a part in pc.
    The more the merrier.

  14. #14
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    Re: Poet's Corner Magazine: The Revival

    We need to do anther one soon, and an OM one

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    the theory of cause and effect is flawed,
    we expect the outcome to mirror the struggle, that's wrong.

  15. #15
    Landed Emily's Avatar
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    Re: Poet's Corner Magazine: The Revival

    who wants to help?
    Let's get a writers mag going. @Jukon , what do you say about the writers, writing the next mag?
    The writers introducing, the writers interviewing, the writers reviewing, the writers concluding.
    ...I like it.

    .The Writers Edition.
    Last edited by Emily; March 16th, 2016 at 10:45 AM

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