I don't understand words anymore
I don't understand words anymore
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Originally Posted by Wuxia
@Amen can we get your opinion here?
Hit that sound button 30 times and tell me it doesn’t make you laugh
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Does maggot and casket rhyme. @Soule I never said there's a y sound u fucking idiot. Usi g the y to demonstrate how phonetics. What a fucking goober
I'm the idiot... Lol
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Originally Posted by Wuxia
@Kill Spree @Soule I did some research and faggot is pronounced fæggot which means you guys are right. The sk and the g still makes it a bad rhyme but the beginning part of the word you guys are right about
They’re near rhymes.
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Canadians pronounce faggot as FAYGOOT, which is why the faygoot @Fresh thinks it does not rhyme.
Just tead your LLL hof verse in a Canadian accent and NONE OF IT RHYMED FAGGIT!