[QUOTE=Slayerr.;8991800] I agree. It might just be style preference n we are all use to the bars we like but some battles ain’t even close.. it’s like… how did u vote that way
I love the new activity n want everyone to stay but y’all tripping a bit. I’ve never talked to one member about ‘who we voting for’ that’s goofy and the type of shit sore losers make up… now I’m steal shit to? Come one bro grow up
I’m on this rap site in my down time just chilling when I got time around my real life… cut the shit.. vote n drop bars… stfu with the bs
- - - Updated - - -
Link me
I got called?
Oh no @Spree
People got voted against causing sand to get lodged in their vag
can you guys go vote on battles and stfu
Wow u dont know how to scroll up? anyway Pce. site returns to dead numbers.
Look at you three.
You all said the same exact thing. the worst part is u voted for the personsbar u said u didn't like in the first sentence.
I'm not here for a forum record. and until you stop caring about yours and your friends this site will be trash.
Something fishy is going on here.
5:20 Mir votes
5:30 Virb same vote same reasons
5:50 Slayer same vote same reasons
It's not my battle its everyones battles.
I can’t help h who votes after me
I’ll try harder next time