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Thread: Ransom Writers Chat

  1. #316

    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    bitch i answered you 3 months ago & you abruptly started huffing your own assmist backtracking like you ain’t see me reply directly to your post. fuck outta here. i bring it up now for posterity.

    my moms don’t post on this site lmao.

  2. #317

    Re: Ransom Writers Chat


    Quote Originally Posted by TheShaman View Post
    It's the same way I pronounce it? Julli-ard / Cookie jar?
    maybe our accents make it sound different for the both of us. cuz yeah that rhymes, but in the sense that cookie jar is pronounced like Juilliard. kinda with a U sound replacing the two o’s. “kooky jar”.. whereas i regularly pronounce cookie to sound like book, look, rook, shook. lmao accents are weird, but did i kind of clarify what i mean? cuz you said you have always pronounced cookie to sound like kooky, but we say it the yankee way here. so it was funny seeing it pronounced to rhyme with what you paired it with lol. i fucks with it.

  3. #318
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    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    @Jack Hallows nah, I still don't get it. You were the one that said kooky, lol. I pronounce it cookie. To me kooky and cookie are the same thing; c is the same as k, double o is the same as a smooth, drawn out u, and y is the same as ie. E.g. "misty". Same thing as "cookie". Or bookie, rookie, etc.

    I think this recent mentioning of me having an accent went to your head, lol. I actually saw a meme recently of the English abilities of varies countries in Europe where Scandinavia was ranked as speaking more comprehensive English than the British, lol.

    I think the difference here is mainly about pronouncing Juilliard. (Which I misspelled cuz of the silent i..). Google says Joo-lee-ard, which is also how I pronounce it. Although I guess it would be a bit more correct to just make it a two syllable word (like "Juil-iert"). But the next rhyme was Foolish Heart; cookie jar; Joo-lee-ard; Jewish fart; fully charged. Imo clear assonance. Or am I missing something?

    I know you're a rhyme purist from the slant rhyme thread, hehe. So I'm sure you're talking about some miniscule difference between the vowel sounds. But as of now I still don't get it. =]

  4. #319
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    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    Quote Originally Posted by TheShaman View Post
    To me kooky and cookie are the same thing
    This vid demonstrates the difference between those two words in British English pronunciation

  5. #320

    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    Quote Originally Posted by TheShaman View Post
    I think this recent mentioning of me having an accent went to your head, lol. I actually saw a meme recently of the English abilities of varies countries in Europe where Scandinavia was ranked as speaking more comprehensive English than the British, lol.

    I think the difference here is mainly about pronouncing Juilliard. (Which I misspelled cuz of the silent i..). Google says Joo-lee-ard, which is also how I pronounce it. Although I guess it would be a bit more correct to just make it a two syllable word (like "Juil-iert"). But the next rhyme was Foolish Heart; cookie jar; Joo-lee-ard; Jewish fart; fully charged. Imo clear assonance. Or am I missing something?

    I know you're a rhyme purist from the slant rhyme thread, hehe. So I'm sure you're talking about some miniscule difference between the vowel sounds. But as of now I still don't get it. =]
    damn this turned into a dissertation on pronunciation yes.. you pronounce it how i imagined in my yank mind lmao. you’re right though, it is a minuscule difference in the vowel sound, i just can’t think of anything i could use as an example cuz all my examples sound like your accent

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Virbius View Post
    This vid demonstrates the difference between those two words in British English pronunciation
    yooooo THIS^^ lmaoooo this is exactly what i’m talking about. how the fuck you find this shit Virb lmao.

  6. #321
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    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    Yo wtf wait a minute. I didn't know the word kooky. I thought you just wrote how you thought cookie sounded like. Of course I don't pronounce cookie "cOOOOkie", I'm not a retard lol.

    But I still don't get how this applies to the rhyme in question. I'm fully aware that it's not a perfect rhyme. I actually had a better line referencing Miles Davis at Juilliard and whatnot, but it didn't make sense in the verse so I just kept the rhyme as a setup anyway. But it obviously rhymes, by any standards you apply.

    This fool Jack is in here arguing that cookie and kooky doesn't rhyme Fucking cookie rhymes with mutiny. cookie jar rhymes with kooky tard. I'm gonna remember this extreme rhyme purism that you adhere to in all your battles from now on lmao.

    Thanks to Virb for clarifying btw. My Danish brain apparantly needed some auditory aid on this one..

  7. #322
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    I think it might be that julliard could be pronounced with a juh- (like "nice jugs") or jew- (like "nice jugs you fuckin jew") at the start. It's hard work speaking English as a first language and making things multi in both british & american accents so I think doing so with English being a second language is pretty impressive.

  8. #323

    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    @TheShaman yo hol up lmaooo i’m cryin... yo nah i never said it didn’t rhyme, i said i liked the pronunciation how it flowed with the other rhymes & then noted that we pronounce it differently in the US. but you see now what i was talking about as per the video & how it’s hard to convey lol.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Bag Mandela View Post
    I think it might be that julliard could be pronounced with a juh- (like "nice jugs") or jew- (like "nice jugs you fuckin jew") at the start.
    fucking, i spit food at this lmmfao

  9. #324
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    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    If Hallows says Juh-lliard he must be from some kind of deep South or Midwest or whatever it is lol. And right, you didn't say it didn't rhyme, my bad. You basically just imagined me saying kooky jar because of the accent comment I made. But it's all good. I'm all for nerdy discussions on rhymes and accents and lax vs. tense vowels lol.

  10. #325
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    @TheShaman I always read your bars in a Nils m Skils accent, is that pretty close?

  11. #326

    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    Quote Originally Posted by TheShaman View Post
    If Hallows says Juh-lliard he must be from some kind of deep South or Midwest or whatever it is lol. And right, you didn't say it didn't rhyme, my bad. You basically just imagined me saying kooky jar because of the accent comment I made. But it's all good. I'm all for nerdy discussions on rhymes and accents and lax vs. tense vowels lol.
    hahaha nah bro i’m from the east coast where they never pronounce their R’s. i don’t have that accent though. i pronounce Juilliard like jew-lee-ard lmao. but yes. i blame it all in Bag cuz he told us to make sure we list our accents & ever since then my mind been speaking a different dialect when i read everyone’s verses

  12. #327
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    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    @Bag Mandela Are all of these rounds purely to determine the final four who then enter the semi-finals on an even standing? Or is the difference in scores between the final four going to impact how the semis/finals go down, like maybe there won’t be any semis and these rounds lead straight into finals with 1st & 2nd positions clashing and 3rd & 4th clashing?

  13. #328
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    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    @Bag Mandela , makes sense, but Norwegian is a little more sing songy than Danish, and Swedish even more. I don't read any of your verses in an accent though, lol. Unless there's something that otherwise doesn't rhyme in my own accent. I think Virb rhymed Logan Paul with something stool or wool or cool or whatever where I was like wtf is going on here Paul is all/stall/tall.

  14. #329
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    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    Quote Originally Posted by TheShaman View Post
    I think Virb rhymed Logan Paul with something stool or wool or cool or whatever where I was like wtf is going on here Paul is all/stall/tall.
    I pronounce stool and stall very similarly. I mean, I don’t usually, but if a rhyme cypher requires me to then I do. You kooky cookie you.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bag Mandela View Post
    @Virbius part of the prize for winning the cypher is you get to pick a topic for the themed round in WK7
    Ah shit. I mean, yay! Whoop!

    My first thought was a battle where instead/as well as the opponent we can diss anyone who no-showed or dropped out of the tourney. It’d be a good opportunity to use bars we might’ve prewritten but didn’t get a chance to drop. (Nah I already wasted my Chree and Fresh bars on their GPT counterparts).

    Other ideas include an IMDB top 100 movie list reference battle (I did one of those on OTBVA so I could reuse that. Wait, I lost, maybe not), video game reference battle (in memory of Chree, rest his soul), a literary reference battle (sorry KnoX, colouring books don’t count), an obscure reference battle (or for Shaman, a regular battle), an alias battle round (or for Jack, a regular battle), a battle imitating your opponent’s style (but HEK’S OPPONENT will be EXTRA POTENT!!!) (Miracle can do a great Spree impression and not bother showing up), a short line battle with syllable count limit (uh oh maybe not!), a battle with 12 lines of material each (hey what do you mean I do that every week? no I do not!), a dissing Bag and MV round (nah they’re sweetiepoohs, who could possibly?) horny fish vs diabetic dolphins (MV’s idea, blame him), or…

    I mean, my opponent that week is Dave and I’ve never battled him. I wonder. If I picked no theme, just a regular battle, would I be hailed as a folk hero or reviled as the most boring bastard on the site?

    Actually a 2 vs 2 battle round would be fun (don’t worry KnoX, I’ll be your friend). Probably not practical, depends how many people are in this.
    Last edited by Virbius; December 12th, 2024 at 03:03 PM

  15. #330
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    Re: Ransom Writers Chat

    Quote Originally Posted by Virbius View Post
    Gay bars round 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Virbius View Post

    a battle imitating your opponent’s style (but HEK’S OPPONENT will be EXTRA POTENT!!!)
    a dissing Bag and MV round
    horny fish vs diabetic dolphins (MV’s idea, blame him), or…

    Actually a 2 vs 2 battle round would be fun
    I like all these ideas, especially the 2v2 round. Week 7 happens to be a week where everyone has a battle so we could definitely make it work.
    Entirely up to you & the peer pressure from everyone else.

    My bad @MV, your theme is wk8 not wk7

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Virbius View Post
    @Bag Mandela Are all of these rounds purely to determine the final four who then enter the semi-finals on an even standing? Or is the difference in scores between the final four going to impact how the semis/finals go down, like maybe there won’t be any semis and these rounds lead straight into finals with 1st & 2nd positions clashing and 3rd & 4th clashing?
    The original plan was to end up with a top 4 who then got semis before the climax. So it would end up being #1 vs #4 and #2 vs #3 (or randomly drawn) which then went into the final & 3rd place playoff.

    For anyone feeling like quitting because they don't think they'll make the final 4, MV already said he was putting bread up for things unrelated to final ranking

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