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  1. #1
    8===D--- -- - Bag Mandela's Avatar
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    @Virbius @Jack Hallows @MV @mal diction @HEK TEAFY @Slayerr. @FaQEyeReddit

    Back with a fresh cypher round for the playoffs, we got an ill concept for this one too.
    brb 2 mins sounds like someones beating the shit out my door

  2. #2
    Sites Worst Battler EyeDealIstic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bag Mandela View Post
    someones beating the shit out my back door
    You win this one then.
    What is high- My battle loss record & my blood pressure.
    What's not high- my win record or me.

    Enjoy the rest of your day.

  3. #3
    The Demon MV's Avatar
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    sorry as Bags was saying these Rules are simple. You are the hostage negotiator. You can take this in any direction you want but the limit is 3-5 bars per post of punchlines or just savageness to this theme. this thread will end on the 13 days.

    There was a little scuffle now hand over the bag here or Bag here's in trouble
    i want 100s and 50s loaded neatly in a duffle on the double or he can earn an extra suckhole
    touch and go bet-not fumble
    i need a plane and a van i can use as a shuttle
    or imma click this C4 and turn my boy to a puddle
    i dont care, bro not spared, i got kids to feed, so lets proceed or this bitch'll bleed extensively
    this lemon on me so if i sneeze or catch a gentle breeze the trigger squeeze could come accidentally
    Bag wanna say something " mfff mgmff mffmfsm mfmffms" his mouth's taped, im bugging
    imma translate, "Im okay, tell my family i love'em" "Give him the cash or im grass, the mf ain't bluffin"

    *megaphone cackles"

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  4. #4
    Sites Worst Battler EyeDealIstic's Avatar
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    This motherfucker MV took men hostages for the sex
    So should I say brotherfucker or should I plan what's next?

    He killed all the women and threw their remains in the basement
    Except for a plastic surgeon to give his ass a facelift.

    I mean it literally as well as figuratively, the wordplay's astounding.
    New face for ID purposes and a new ass to receive more poundings.

    MV's got the building locked down and the negotiators defeated,
    the strategists seeking and the male hostages "depleted"

    Because he milked them,they're cows with Stockholms.
    Dazed and confused with nowhere to go even though they've all got homes.

    This is a hostage situation but he robbed Bags of everything in his sack.
    The cops got a sniper on the ready, the last thing MV will hear is a crack.
    What is high- My battle loss record & my blood pressure.
    What's not high- my win record or me.

    Enjoy the rest of your day.

  5. #5
    You've Earned a Custom Title!
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    Please… MV…
    Just call off your evil henchmen, you don’t need to teach a lesson,
    You already ghosted us so damn bad we called up Peter Venkman.
    No swat team, just the two of us, we’ll meet alone,
    I’ll bring along a ton of uncut gems and leave the stones.
    See I said ‘teach a lesson’ like Bill Nye. chill buddy,
    I said ‘Peter Venkman’ from Ghostbusters, and that’s Bill Murray.
    I mentioned ‘Just the two of us’, thinking Bill Withers.
    And I’ll ‘leave The Stones’ like Bill Wyman, see our skill differs.
    You demanded a big stack of cash before beheading…
    You wanted fifty bills but that’s all you’re getting.

  6. #6
    You've Earned a Custom Title! FaQEyeReddit's Avatar
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    Hey virb I want to make sure none of the hostage's heart beats-- dropped low to a stop... We're working on-demands but it doesn't come with that porn package but I'll still need you to please let go of the cock.. we understand you have a firm grip, on a bad situation wit an illegally own switch, on your hands causing Lacerations don't know how a nut case made it under the nose of the cops.. but we are willing to give you probation which is the after effect when you learn how to masterbation, that's having a blast without going over the top.. see he could have been an abortion now we're actually praying, this kid pops a magnum in his fat ass face and looks like we'll need massive patience, because it's nothing but long no's for anyone that ya madams claimin to be the pops of a fatherless twot.. I literally freestyled this shit
    Last edited by FaQEyeReddit; Yesterday at 04:53 AM
    FAQ - pronounced fack…
    Eye or E.Y.E - divination (seek knowledge using computers)
    Reddit- A web “sight” with frequent asked and answered questions.
    it should read Fa, Q, I read it for kicks

  7. #7
    You've Earned a Custom Title!
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    Hey MV. Nah we’re not gonna give you cash, no need to say…
    Just show me Bag Mandela’s alive and well or else your people pay,
    We’ll launch intercontinental ballistic missiles, so please obey,
    Coz either I see BM or an ICBM… either way.
    If you let the nina spray I’ll launch a goddamn flak barrage.
    What, you gonna disappoint him to death with mediocre battle bars?
    We’ve got special ops in camouflage with C4 packs for sabotage;
    You want us to pay for Bags? then it’s satchel charge.

    Please, you should forfeit, while you were distracted reading this raw shit a door clicked, torchlit, Bag snuck up and took your gun so he’s the one we should talk with, coz now he’s not your hostage, you’re his.

    Hey Bag, release MV or else we’ll, uh…
    Or, we’ll… um…
    Ah fuck it, just kill him.

  8. #8


    looks like we’ve reached ourselves a violent presidium…
    we knew you kidnapped Bag.. but were silent in hopes you’d FINALLY GET RID OF UM
    security’s laxed. everytime you let him water the snake?; he scrawls on some pape, stuffs it & farts it as an ass pellet at an expulsional rate..
    it finds its destination in a feat of phenomenally longitagonal greats; when i go to flush the loo to find it clogged in my tank..
    open the message- it’s Bag with more awkward complaints: like “i CreAtEd this venture! PAID ya’ll, reMeMbEr?! & THIS IS HOW U LOT GIVE ME THANKS?!??!!11?1!”
    so I’M plotting today. i know a place, lemme talk to the bouncer.
    but leave the hostage negotiator & bring an auction announcer.
    there’s fortune abound, sir! the most lavish lived are those adult savages..
    … who’ll purchase Bag in bits for use in ritualistic occult practices!
    … let’s have a bid!

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