Could it all be so simple?
The shame, the shame…
To make it all go away?
The pain, the pain...
Who really knows how to play?
The game, the game…
And who is watching over me?
Now I see with a greater degree of clarity
A rarity of sight for youth in spite of truth
Told, lies…what does the real truth hold,
The hive, fold, tries to suppress the bold.
Here I lay though, cold, shivering in the
Night of endless darkness, soul hardness
Tries to bolster spirit and survive, starkness
Of thought, and ease of mind…virtues
I can no longer find…Divine, God
Sweet supine façade, or it seems at times.
I know sublime Lord, is kind to the horde.
But what sword causes many as I to implore
And beg for the more of the joy and the less
Of the pain, what lesson attained, warrants
Loss of the sane, lost to a game, or life
One in the same, with similar price…
Could it all be so simple?
The shame, the shame…
To make it all go away?
The pain, the pain...
Who really knows how to play?
The game, the game…
And who is watching over me?
They say to live life with an eye on the prize…
What if your only goal in that same life is to die?
The life I despise like a dull knife to the eyes,
Sometimes, others it’s good to be live, (sighing)
But getting to those times it’s hard trying
Divining future trials, tribulations for miles
The path of pith and pitiful myths, with a,
Continuum with a cynical wit, Sensible whip
Splitting brains like sides of a sinking ship
Descending to depths of a new trip, Hell waits,
For those too sinful to pass Heaven’s Gates…
“Heaven can wait”, that statement is all that it takes..
To bring the strongest of all to the brakes...a halt in space,
A ripple in time, in that limbo I write this rhyme…
Combining time to achieve two goals of mine
Now do you recognize the danger signs?
Could it all be so simple?
The shame, the shame…
To make it all go away?
The pain, the pain...
Who really knows how to play?
The game, the game…
And who is watching over me?
My gold to find at the end of the rainbow…
Broken promises and me without a raincoat…