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Thread: The Beautiful Ones.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Battle Record

    The Beautiful Ones.

    They pride in courage and, lifelines through services,
    Supplied with a lifetime of fine discouragement,
    With slight deterrents since their lives been permanent,
    They've strived with the right minds and fight the current risks,
    Blinded by worthlessness. Restricted as caution,
    With endless predicaments, imprisoned as often,
    As they inch to their coffins, we're silently bitter,
    Cuz help's disguised in the giver, yet we quietly snicker,
    At their unfortunate lifestyles, inarguable fate,
    Where their burdens are being overly scarred into place,
    Yet we barge in with HATE, a tunnel of miserable madness,
    Triggered by literal masses based on their physical status!?
    We are criminals, pitiful, inconsiderate maggots,
    Figures of general public, on the binge with its havoc,
    We offend and we fabric-ATE the extent of our crafted. .,
    Wit. Extended to humor, pain, extensive meets hazardous!!!
    Ever wondered:
    That if you think your life is worthless. .
    There maybe one of them who actually might deserve it. .
    See we pride in urges.....exploring the rockiest trips,
    Where troubles lurking. . yet we ignore our obvious gifts,
    While they dream to be him or her, and trudge like you do,
    Through the depths of hardtimes. . and struggle like you,
    Never having a savior, never asking for favors,
    Yet every month they're reminded. . never having to labor,
    And we've mastered this battered behavior drilling a hole,
    In open wounds and forming scars. . killing their souls,
    See we're building this road, while we're degrading their trust,
    A one sided street of feeling, and the pavement is rough.
    We're ugly.

    The Beautiful Ones.

    AI. Legendary.
    19x HOF. Seven Titles. 50.

  2. #2
    I see you lookin.. stupid Brandon Heat's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Here, New Jersey...
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    hum... pretty hot... *Brandon Heat's stamp of approval*

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    we see you Cock-A-Roaches looking...

    Coming Soon

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Battle Record
    I guess you can chalk this one up as just another success, adding to your tally of limitless talents.

    Once again Nique to the rescue. Standing high atop the lyrical soapbox, preaching words of inspiration and hope. Delivering the verdicts of social awareness to a mundane institution bond by its robotic mechanics and calculated vocabulary. LoL, what the fuck am I talking about? Hmmm dope piece! (sorry, but huh…have to go to class)


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Battle Record
    Thanks cool dude.
    AI. Legendary.
    19x HOF. Seven Titles. 50.

  5. #5
    Can't teach you my swag! D. Josey's Avatar
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    Nique-olicious on this one.

    Very original. An idea that could've been on here previously, but you were the first to bring this to the table. Discussions about the mentally handicapped. You have a smooth writing style. Very sleek, and non-forced. Everything fits properly. No squares in the circle hole.

    Great metaphors, and everything with that, and a moral at that.

    Good job.

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  6. #6 chains? Naw!
    Join Date
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    Ok, the main reason I liked this was not for your usual style of having a dope relevance with your rhyme scheme, but for the message itself. You said shit in this piece that I've thought for split seconds, and you said shit that needed saying. It wasn't overly sympathetic, but it did take a nice emotive side to things.. I thought some rhymes were a bit bland, but then again, thats just a spec on the whole scale. You know its always a pleasure mami.. keep doing what you do, as you help this forum a hell of a lot.

    Sacred Scriptures Champ: 2006.....Brixton

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Battle Record
    Thanks. Rise.
    AI. Legendary.
    19x HOF. Seven Titles. 50.

  8. #8
    Green Hour Madness Bounce's Avatar
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    This was hot butter in the read girl. Smooth rhymes, well grouped, great content and direction in the peice. Very intersting and original, I really liked this here. I loved the playful language you used, nothing mind busting, but it seemed as if you were nejoying yourself while you wrote. I got some good visuals from this, so imagery was present, but what stood lut the most was the scheme. Dope. I've come to expect that from you though, so I'm not suprised in the least. Good shit.

    "World Class War" Official Music Video
    We can use all the views we can get, please support the Father/Daughter movement in hip hop. Do us a favor and post on your Facebook walls and such. Thank you

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  9. #9
    dead on revival soulstice.'s Avatar
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    Battle Record
    Word. Lasty line had some realnesss in it..

    ANyway, good piece, your flow was pulled off real natural like.. if i were to say what aspiring writer i was trying to be, it would probobly be you, not because i want to be like you, or want to write exactly like you, its cuz when i read your pieces, it always has that rhyme scheme the way i usually try and rhyme it.. like
    if you know what i mean, fit in a inner in a short line requires real talent and excellent foresight, choosing words and all that.. anyway, nice piece, the emotion was there as well... but i think your real talent lies in foresight with flow... hit up my link in my sig..

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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Battle Record
    ^Thanks I appreciate the respect. Oh and to be honest I didn't know I had a distinct rhyme scheme, lol. Thanks for the love and I'll be hitting up your OM shortly.
    AI. Legendary.
    19x HOF. Seven Titles. 50.

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